Friday 31 July 2020

The escalator

Shockingly, It was late dark in a lost forest. She strides off the escalator, Her hands and palms were complete with ropes and were crammed, she dashed home wanting to try out her fashionable clothes, the door was squeaking as if it was going to break down but she just went straight on to the mirror and looked at herself she looked fabulous and slept through the night and in the morning she wore her close and went in public but she never got complimented she realised that there was a sign and these clothes and made for comfort and not style so she just wore it and was devastated of how long she had to wait in a line but said at least it was comfortable.

The race

Nervously, Jimmy pushed himself for extra momentum. He was determined that he could do it, he wanted the #1 title so he had to risk and if he crashed on something, he would have to stop and he would lose. He put on his helmet and waited for the start signal for the race to start. The gun fired, he focused on one thing and that's to win the race The other bike crashed and the last person who had the lead, his bike broke down so Jimmy ended up winning the race.

Monday 27 July 2020

Threats to the Hauraki Gulf

The Possums

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Anxiously, the mother gripped on an Oakwood tree trying to search for shelter to put her Juveniles in. An hour passed and no shelter whatsoever. The mother went to pick leaves to feed them before the flood occurs, interning a day she saw the flood occur and saw it wreck many things but their tree, lucky them the wind was facing south except north so they could still keep warm and absorb their leaves  gracefully. 

Their food supplies finished and the tree was out of leaves, the mother had to climb up to the highest peak of the tree and jump on a new one to take the leaves and come back, but there was no way that she could except is she waits for the flood to dry up but the Juveniles would die, so she hurt herself for the kids and came back.

Wednesday 1 July 2020