Before we got lost, I told them "it was in the forest " and they went like "then why didn't you tell us in the first place" I said "because I forgot to tell you guys" so after an hour we found it and I told them "this area is slowly dying and this shows you what happens to our environment. If we don't stop littering" and I told them "this is also a climate change in this area so this are isn't just a dying area" and I told them that "if you want to go the left you have to use your gas mask because of the oxygen in the left is empty by the climate change and it really cold so lucky us we brought our coats" and they went to left so I also went with them every where was dead it was a little cold and there was a city and it was demolished so we went back and went to the alive place it was so nice there I saw a deer and the city there was not even bad.
So, we went home and it was also night time so I brushed my teeth and went to bed they said that we was gonna explore more of it but it was late and at night they said "let's go there again and I was like okay i'm just scared that we'll get lost" they said "don't worry we won't get lost because we have a map that shows us where it is" so I told my uncle did you make this map he was like "yes" "okay" I said so next morning we woke up and I told them "can we bring the cat" and they was like "what about the gas mask for the cat" and I had an idea for that so this is how it works my cat likes watching things right so I am gonna close the cage with tape all around it and before that i'm gonna put a camera on front and stick it with the tape and the phone is viewing the camera so the cat can see what is there and also the phone is easy to fit in and there is my plan for the cat they went like "that is such a good plan so we did that and it worked perfectly so we went past the city and somehow it was getting darker.
We went back and this time we explored the happy side and it was marvelous I saw so much beautiful animals and I was petting every friendly animals and actually all of them was friendly I was so exited and we found an animal that we have never seen in our lives so we opened Google and it said don' t touch it or you'll get poisoned. We went past it and at the end there was another city and at first we thought that there was one city and the city that we found was never safe so we ran back home and we just pat the cat and also play with the baby's. After that, we brush our teeth and went to bed so the next morning we do what we always do. We ate breakfast , we give the cat food and my uncle goes to work. I got to my tablet and do duolingo bird and go to PC so I can do studdyladder and I go to work on my piano. The next thing I did, I went to PlayStation 4 Pro. Sometimes, they let me go to the park. When my uncle comes at night, I sometimes play Street Fighter IV and then we eat dinner and later we brush our teeth and went to bed.